Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pliny the Younger hits Fargo!

So it has been a few days since I have posted. I have got caught up with a few things. Anyways, a buddy from Cali was so kind to send me a growler of Pliny the Younger. This is the beer that is at the top of its style: Double/Imperial IPA. The beer is released once a year at the brewery in growlers and then shows up on tap in very select areas and doesn't last too long. The beer sold out incredibly fast and a lot of people didn't even get growlers to take home with them. I split my growler with 3 other guys so we each got a little over a pint. Needless to say we all wanted more. Now for the review:

The 2 liter growler opens with a nice big pop.

Poured into my Bruery snifter.

Pours 1 finger of white head. Pretty decent retention. Leaves a lot of lace rings. Color is a clear golden bronze.

Aroma: Sweet floral hops, has some sugar flavors to it, it has a lot of pine notes which is really nice. Big grapefruit citrus with some other blended into it. The aroma is huge hops and a nice sweet malty profile.

Taste: It starts out with a massive amount of pine hops (some floral hop profile). It is sweet, but bitter. The malts are bready, but don't balance it out too much, which is good. The grapefruit citrus is dominate and really brings a lot to this beer. Maybe some orange citrus sticking out a bit.

Mouthfeel: Bitter, but nothing that overly done which is really nice. It is incredibly smooth. It has a much bigger body than any other ipa. Just massive and tasty. A nice amount of carbonation. Ends very very clean for the style.

Overall, this beer is very fine. Lots of massive flavor and pine flavor and incredibly drinkable. My part of this growler of this is going fast and is incredibly easy to drink. You really can't get a much better beer for this style. This beer deserves to be at the top of its class. Everyone loved the beer and was happy to try it.

Simply put, Younger is a beer that I wish I had all the time to drink. For the 11% abv, this beer is incredibly drinkable. If you ever have a chance to try this, don't pass it up. As always, the fresher the better when it comes to this style.

Thanks for reading!

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