Thursday, April 8, 2010

Polish Beer Night

So tonight I have two Polish beers that I will be reviewing. To be honest, I reviewed them on separate nights so I didn't mess with my taste buds. My friend recently moved back to Poland after being in the states for over 4 years and she gave me two beers from Poland before she left. She knows I enjoy trying new beers so she always surprises me with something. So, these are two beers directly from Poland!

These beers are similar to the American macro lagers. They are light in color and flavor. Nothing to spectacular about them. Consider them the Bud and the Miller products of Poland. Up first is Lech Premium.

Poured into a pilsner glass.

Pours a large layer of fluffy white head.Decent retention. Leaves some nice lace which surprised me. Color is a clear golden yellow. Lots of active carbonation.

Aroma: Lots of rice, corn, and low level hops. Reminds me a lot of the typical macros in America. Nothing to special.

Taste: It is definitely different from the American macros. It has the pale malt present but also has a European flavor to it. Corn and rice flavors with some malt. Very basic but a little different from the American macro lager. Very dry with grassy hops... reminds me a little of a pils.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, smooth, relatively easy drinking. A little dry. Light bodied with a decent amount of carbonation. Ends a little dry and grassy.

Overall, it was fun drinking this beer. I knew it would taste like an American macro, but Europe/Poland has different malts and hops than us so it was fun to try something new. It was a fun experience. Fairly drinkable.

Next up is Zywiec. I think this beer is available on the East Coast, but this is from Poland so it is a bit more legit.

Poured into a pils glass.

Pours a little over a finger of creamy white head. Fades down to a thinner layer. Leaves a lot of splattered lace. Color is a clear straw yellow. Lots of carbonation bubbles in the glass.

Aroma: a lot like the typical American macro lagers. Grain and corn flavors, with a lower quality of grassy hops. Some light citrus zest with some pale malts.

Taste: Not as enjoyable as the aroma. It is very bready. Lots of pale malts and grassy hops. It is a bigger beer than I was expecting. Some grain and corn flavors.

Mouthfeel: Thick and chewy for the style. Crisp as well. Medium bodied with a decent amount of carbonation. Ends very dry and grainy.

Overall, it is always fun getting to try new beer and a Polish beer is never an exception. This tastes a lot like American macro lagers, but it definitely has that European tough to it with the hops and malt flavors I can taste. Relatively drinkable.

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